Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Check Off/Wrap up Portraiture and One more Portrait Editing Project

Project 3:  In class editing, Re-Writing History

For your next project you will be editing an existing photograph and placing yourself into the existing shot.  You will need to find a famous or recognizable shot on Google Images (Photo-Journalism, Movie Poster, Book Cover, Screen Shot, Magazine Cover, etc.) and place yourself into it.  You must place at least your face, but you can use your entire body.  Your grade for this project will be based on the quality of your editing not on your ideas (though cleverness does indeed count).  This is a chance for you to show me your Photoshopping skills.

Start by looking for the image you want to use.  Strategize - If it's your face you're inserting, you want an image that has the same direction and hopefully lighting as your image...  Any image source of your face will work, (personal hotos, social media, etc.) just remember that quality counts - If it's a bad image to begin with, it will probably still be a bad image, though there are plenty of things we can do to work around that and/or fix it.

Good luck...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Finishing up Portraiture and our Individual Photo Shoot Images

Hello class!

Short week this week, use the card readers in the top shelf of the cabinet in our Lab and transfer your photos onto your Login>My Documents.  Do your "Best Of" edits and let's see all of your awesome Candid and Poised Portraits!  Friends, family, selfies, we will look at these and Check you off this week.

Go to Work! If you haven't turned in your TWO GROUP PORTRAIT SHOTS, finish those up and turn them in to D Chandler P3.  Again, everyone turns in two from our group photo shoot - One Best of edit and One altered.

We will look at our color wheels and color theory as we segway into May.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography - Self Images

Start with our group shooting session
- In class we will take a minimum of 5-10 portraits of ourselves and our group. Since we will be the subjects as well as the photographers, get in groups and remember the Letter of the group you are in and the camera you are using.

Use your Portrait Field Guide to help you shoot and pose.

After the shoot:


FIVE "Best Of" versions using the best editing techniques we know and the

There are FIVE steps that we can do to EVERY image to get the "Best Of" version. Whether you edit it beyond these five steps is up to you, but these are the minimum steps we want to do to every image. So without further ado:

1. Resize
2. Unsharp Mask
3. Brightness/Contrast
4. Hue/Saturation
5. Evaluate

We will do this steps from now until the end of the tri to every image. What you do beyond that will be up to you, the parameters of the assignments, and your knowledge of the software.

FIVE "Altered" images in whatever way you deem necessary (and appropriate), while still being able to recognize (at least a little) who the image is of. Background? Filters? Layers? You decide.

We will take our photos to work on in class. Tools that will be highly beneficial to you are the Clone stamp, Patch Tool, Lasso, etc. The Filter gallery is useful for altering effects as well.