Wednesday, December 9, 2015

First Group Photo Shoot


There are FIVE steps that we can do to EVERY image to get the "Best Of" version. Whether you edit it beyond these five steps is up to you, but these are the minimum steps we want to do to every image. So without further ado:

1. Resize
2. Unsharp Mask
3. Brightness/Contrast
4. Hue/Saturation
5. Evaluate

We will do this steps from now until the end of the tri to every image. What you do beyond that will be up to you, the parameters of the assignments, and your knowledge of the software.

Part Two

 Once you have your five awesome best of versions of the landscapes you picked, then we're going to go ahead and do alternate versions.   So save your best as your last name landscapes 12345 or however you want to do it so you keep them in order, and then with those five saved, now do alternate versions for a total of 10 images!

 What's an alternate version?  You tell me! This is showing off that you have mastered the toolbox and we are now going to explore all of the filters and layer styles.   Ways to get started would definitely be looking out the hugh and the saturation, changing the background or the sky, adding things to the scene...  Whatever you deem necessary!  So whether you're adding a waterfall or making an alien landscape or having an awesome Star Wars Battle in the football field it's up to you!

 We will go today and tomorrow so finish up your five best ofs, and start working on your alternates- we will check these off and I will show you how to open your images for viewing presentations on Monday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Project One and continuing exercises!

Combining Images, Project #1

We will start at the beginning with Photoshop CS5 and learn how to create new files, open and save, layers, unsharp mask, and much more - the basics of photoshop. You will use the images below for the first assignment. The exact parameters of the assignment will follow. Good luck!

For 100% completion, you need to:
Create a 10" x 8" template at 180 resolution.
Include THREE of the objects into an integrated scene.
Change the background to a different background and/or color.
Clone stamp
Change the size and direction

These are the minimum requirements, I always encourage you to try to do more!

Additional looks: Filters, Liquify, color splash, gaussian blur, color change.