Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Final Camera Shoot


Camera Control - As we finish the trimester, let's set the camera controls manually with the dials to create the effects we want. You will take a total of (at least) 20 pictures that will have five different settings:

4 pictures that show Frozen Motion - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 1000+

4 pictures that show Blurred Motion - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 60 or less

4 pictures that show Panning - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 60 or less, must move with subject.

4 pictures that show Great Depth of Field - Setting:AV with an F-stop of 22+

4 pictures that show Shallow Depth of Field - Setting:AV with an F-stop of 5.6 or less

You will be editing these 20 images for a "Best of" presentation.

This is your final and worth 30% of your grade. Show me what you can do, both with the camera, and in the lab. Good Luck!



Friday, 2/19/16 we will take our Certified Technology test. Be sure to be on time!

Subjects to be covered:

Basic Digital Photography

- Workflow - Digital Camera Setup, image capture and transferring files to a computer.
- Evaluate image quality.
- Demonstrate use of software by editing images appropriately.
- Appropriate file size and type.
- Basic Camera Settings (Sports, Landscape, Macro, Portrait)
- Necessary equipment to download images.
- Basic camera operation and accessories (Tripod, Lighting, Flash).
- Basic composition - Rule of thirds, leading line, mirror images, simplicity, point of view.
- Digital Print for exhibition

·         Your 20 best images as follows-
·         4 Candids, 4 Posed, 2 Landscapes         
      10 Camera Control- 2 from each category, w/2         
·         All images are edited for best quality – How much 
       or little you edit is up to you.
·         Crisp, Clean, Clear
·         Good Composition based on the image.
·         Opened with Preview for easy viewing.
·         Pixelated, blurry images
·         Template background showing, bad crop
·         Opened in scattered files/photoshop
·         Not finished/edited.
·         Pictures taken with cell phone.