Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Group Portrait Shoots, Lighting and editing

We will be using our NEW Lighting equipment to learn about how to properly light the face for portraits by starting shooting in groups.  Using both a stationary camera on a tripod and a floating camera, we will use our three lights, Main, Kicker, and Back light to capture FOUR different images that will show:

1. Correct lighting
2. Too warm
3. Too cool
4. High Contrast

We will be working in groups of 4-5 students and will rotate camera duties, posing, and lighting duties.  After the shoot, you will be editing YOUR images to show the FOUR categories, so make sure that everyone in your group is responsible for their jobs so you get the best lighting/pictures/examples.

We will talk more in class, but get started, let's see how awesome a lighting studio and portraits can be!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Photo Shoot #2: Portrait and Candid

Your next shots will be portrait/candid photographs. You will checkoff 10 portraits and 10 candids with me on April 26th. Remember our class discussions about the difference between a candid and a portrait. Keep in mind the 4 to one ratio, so while you are only checking off 20 total with me, you will most likely need a minimum of 80 pictures taken to find 20 good ones for further editing.

In the meantime... we will be doing more research into the wonderful world of Digital Photography and learning more about our editing software. Finish up editing your 10 Landscapes so we can start grading those, Five Best of's and Five altered.