Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goals for the last week of January 2015!

1.  Print Images for the Image Cues/Collage assignment - We will cut and paste these in our research notebooks to compare and contrast with the hands on cut-paper Image Cues assignment.

2.  A total of Five "Best of" or "Edited" photos from your INDIVIDUAL portrait shoot.  You do not need to turn these into the hand-in folder, instead we will Preview and check-off in class.

3.  Group Photo Shoot - Scavenger Hunt!  A total of 20 photos that fit within the 10 categories that have been divided up and edited by your group.  You will submit your portion of the assignment into the D-Chandler P3 Hand-In folder that corresponds with your group (ie: Group B, C, D, E...)  If you had your own camera, make a new folder with your "Group Name" and turn that in to the hand-in folder.

               Categories for the Scavenger Hunt:

- Hot/Cold
- Rough/Smooth
- Calm/Crazy
- Light/Dark
- Ugly/Beautiful
- Safe/Dangerous
- Long/Short
- Happy/Sad
- Good/Evil

As always, give me awesome images and Good Luck!

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