Camera Control - As we finish the trimester, let's set the camera controls manually with the dials to create the effects we want. You will take a total of (at least) 20 pictures that will have five different settings:
4 pictures that show Frozen Motion - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 1000+
4 pictures that show Blurred Motion - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 60 or less
4 pictures that show Panning - Setting:TV with a shutter speed of 60 or less, must move with subject.
4 pictures that show Great Depth of Field - Setting:AV with an F-stop of 22+
4 pictures that show Shallow Depth of Field - Setting:AV with an F-stop of 5.6 or less
You will be editing these 20 images for a "Best of" presentation, due by next Wednesday and Thursday, the last day of the trimester, February 25th and 26th.
This is your final and worth 30% of your grade. Show me what you can do, both with the camera, and in the lab. Good Luck!
One Page Paper Written with One Page of Images
We will also be finishing up the trimester by researching the industry with a 1 page written paper on a career in photography combined with a one page printed collage of images from that field of photography. In the paper you will include the benefits of that particular field. Include wages, schedule, benefits, travel opportunities, etc.
Fields to choose from:
- Fashion Photography
- Head Shot Photography
- Glamour Photography
- Paparazzi Photography
- Candid Photography
- Landscape Photography
- Architecture Photography
- Food Photography
- Documentary Photography
- Macro Photography
- Sports Photography
- Nature Photography
- Still life Photography
- Travel Photography
- Street Photography
- Wildlife Photography
- Underwater Photography
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