Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Landscapes - 5 Best of Versions, 5 Altered Landscapes

You have 10 Total images due for your next project. You will need to have 5 landscapes: An original version and one altered version of each. The amount and type of alteration is up to you, we will review the images on the computers, so there is no need to print out your images.

Remember our discussions about landscapes, use your editing tools as necessary and have fun!

Best of Version:


There are FIVE steps that we can do to EVERY image to get the "Best Of" version. Whether you edit it beyond these five steps is up to you, but these are the minimum steps we want to do to every image. So without further ado:

1. Resize
2. Unsharp Mask
3. Brightness/Contrast
4. Hue/Saturation
5. Evaluate

We will do this steps from now until the end of the tri to every image. What you do beyond that will be up to you, the parameters of the assignments, and your knowledge of the software.

Next up: Alternative Landscapes

Due: Friday, 3/27/2015:

10 Landscape Images: 5 "Best of's" and 5 Alternate Landscapes

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