Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Finals, CTE Test, Portfolio Submission


You will be editing 20 images for a "Best of" presentation from your last photo shoot, due by May 29th, the last day of May, the Friday before Graduation week, the LAST Friday of your Senior year!

This is your final and worth 30% of your grade. Show me what you can do, both with the camera, and in the lab. 

We will be submitting the Finals as a Power Point Presentation, turned in to the Hand In folder, D Chandler P3.

·         Your 20 best images as follows-
·         4 Candids, 4 Posed, 2 Landscapes         
      10 Camera Control- 2 from each category, w/2         
·         All images are edited for best quality – How much 
       or little you edit is up to you.
·         Crisp, Clean, Clear
·         Good Composition based on the image.
·         Opened with Preview for easy viewing.
·         Pixelated, blurry images
·         Template background showing, bad crop
·         Opened in scattered files/photoshop
·         Not finished/edited.
·         Pictures taken with cell phone.


Friday of this week, May 22nd, we will take our Certified Technology test. We will meet in Lab 419. Be sure to be on time!

Subjects to be covered:

Basic Digital Photography

- Workflow - Digital Camera Setup, image capture and transferring files to a computer.
- Evaluate image quality.
- Demonstrate use of software by editing images appropriately.
- Appropriate file size and type.
- Basic Camera Settings (Sports, Landscape, Macro, Portrait)
- Necessary equipment to download images.
- Basic camera operation and accessories (Tripod, Lighting, Flash).
- Basic composition - Rule of thirds, leading line, mirror images, simplicity, point of view.
- Digital Print for exhibition

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