Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Welcome Third Trimester!

As we start learning our lab, we will be using our research notebooks with the class website to learn how to use our software! Finish up the Photoshop Tools worksheet and the definitions, we will make sure that as a class we all have them well defined so that as a class we can speak the same language and know what we are doing.

Next up is Project One: Integrated Images, but before we get there, we need to do some research into the world of digital photography.

We will be talking about Ethics and Law. In Digital Photography and with our image manipulation software, just like with spiderman, with great power, comes great responsibility! Read through the paper and think about the questions being asked: then, respond on the one page paper with the lines that follow. You can respond as paragraphs or as bullet points to each question, but give me your honest opinion and let's see what we think!

I am glad you are all here and excited to learn how to begin manipulating and creating images. We will start at the beginning with Photoshop CC and learn how to create new files, open and save, layers, unsharp mask, and much more - the basics of photoshop. You will use the images below for the first assignment. The exact parameters of the assignment will follow. Good luck!

Combining Images, Project #1

We will start at the beginning with Photoshop CS5 and learn how to create new files, open and save, layers, unsharp mask, and much more - the basics of photoshop. You will use the images below for the first assignment. The exact parameters of the assignment will follow. Good luck!

For 100% completion, you need to:
Create a 10" x 8" template at 180 resolution.
Include THREE of the objects into an integrated scene.
Change the background to a different background and/or color.
Clone stamp
Change the size and direction

These are the minimum requirements, I always encourage you to try to do more!

Additional looks: Filters, Liquify, color splash, gaussian blur, color change.

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